Verizon Wireless "Unlimited"
Objective: Connect premium brand Verizon to millennials. This campaign was created during the Creative Bootcamp sponsored by the One Club. We thought a campaign displaying excitement, adventures, and fun would be great to connect with millennials. The Unlimited Tour would sponsor celebrities, influencers, and important people to stream their moments and promote Verizon during the days of the tour, thus keeping millennials following their adventures while promoting unlimited service and premium video capabilities. Snapchat filters would be available during the tour, where millennials can fill out the underscore with the word they connect to at the moment. Finally, advertising would promote the variety of interests our millennials have on buses, billboards, etc.
Verizon Wireless "WIN Bundle" Campaign
Objective: Attract millennials to choose an efficient and affordable bundle from Verizon. This campaign was created during the AdFellows program. The internet of things, media, technology and managed security will become the foundations of the business over the next few years. We needed to develop future focused proposition ideas and communications that deliver on consumers emerging need for a Fully Connected Life. Verizon is coming out with an all-inclusive bundle that encompasses wireless, FiOS TV and internet
that will live on a phone called WIN. For Verizon, this is a big step towards becoming more future focused and youth oriented.
that will live on a phone called WIN. For Verizon, this is a big step towards becoming more future focused and youth oriented.